Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ground Breaking for Sunapee's Covered Bridge

The week of July 30th, excitement and curiosity were heightened as the water level in the Sugar River was slowed to a trickle and a parade of trucks, front-end loaders and cranes etc. arrived at the riverside.

(click any image to start a slide show)

In the 21st century, golden shovels are passé'. A ground breaking in this "Granite State" for Sunapee's Covered Bridge required heavy-duty machines, many hands and precise engineering.

Under the direction of project manager, Brent Stocker, local contractors, prepared the foundations, set the pre-cast abutments and prepared the site for the bridge installation later this fall. This was a heartwarming show of generosity and community spirit as the following individuals and companies donated all of their time and materials to accomplish this:
  • Ted & Robert Gallup

  • Kevin Barton
  • Mark Usko

  • Carroll Concrete

  • Peter Hill

  • United Construction

  • Josh Stocker
  • Rick Geddes and crew

The 10-ton abutments were pre-cast by the Gavin family's United Concrete Co. in CT and trucked to Sunapee. The monetary value of the above exceeded $15,000. This was the 'best show in town' to the delight of dozens of onlookers. Several were so enthusiastic about the project, they wrote checks or made pledges to the project while on site.

As determined by a unanimous vote of the Board of Selectmen, the order for the bridge component parts from Western Wood Structures in Oregon has been placed with expected delivery by October first! The bridge will be assembled on River Road, and then placed by a crane onto the abutments.

Generous commitments of materials and labor for that stage of construction to help offset the cost have been received. This would include the essential trusses and siding. The final phase of fundraising is underway to cover the expenses of lighting, signage, landscaping and installing the engraved granite stepping stone walkway.

Help build Sunapee's Covered Bridge. Donation checks are payable and sent to:
Project Sunapee PO Box 602 Sunapee NH 03782

To have your personal granite stepping stone included on the walkway … See the link for an order form.

This bridge is a major step toward a revitalized Sunapee Harbor/Village, fostering a vibrant mix of community and commercial space in our town center.

Thank you for being a part of this exciting project!