The Covered Bridge made the cross-country trek from Western Wood Structures in Oregon to Sunapee in early December. he construction crew is eager to assemble the components as soon as winter's snow melts and spring daffodils appear.
A huge "THANK YOU" to the many Sunapee residents who responded so generously to the recent request for funds to help cover the expenses of lighting, signage, landscaping and installation of the engraved granite stepping stones. Your interest and support of Sunapee's Covered Bridge Project indicates your recognition of the potential benefits to our community.
Now is the time for all good neighbors to help this exciting element of the Town Master Plan become a reality for our community's future. "Be a Bridge Builder"! Monetary contributions as well as donations of labor and services, equipment and construction materials continue to be sought.
Make a tax deductible contribution in any amount payable to:
Project Sunapee
PO Box 602
Sunapee NH 03782
or ... purchase an Engraved Granite Stepping Stone to be installed in the River Road sidewalk entrance to the bridge.
Download a printable order form
Information, questions or to volunteer:
Celebrate with friends and neighbors at the Dedication, Ribbon Cutting and Laying of the Cornerstone and Time Capsule in Springtime 2013 !